Fund Returns

You may reach daily Ünlü Asset Management fund prices/return and year to date returns from the following table.

Date Selection

Funds Open to Tefas

Fund CodeÜnlü Asset Management Fund NameFund PriceDaily ReturnYear-to-date Return
SUAÜnlü Securities First Variable Fundd₺0,3194910,1458%6,1799%
SUBÜnlü Securities Second Variable Fund₺0,2810030,6862%-1,2514%
SUCÜnlü Securities Third Variable Mutual Fund₺12,585565-0,0729%6,298%
UPPÜnlü Asset Management Money Market (TL) Fund₺3,8588520,1118%6,2431%
UP2Ünlü Asset Management Money Market Hedge (TL) Fund₺2,3057690,1135%6,2135%
UPHÜnlü Asset Management Equity (TL) Fund (Intensive Equity Fund)₺22,6187060,6967%1,816%
UP1Ünlü Asset Management Gold Fund₺3,242241-0,1955%12,4767%
UPDÜnlü Asset Management Fourth Hedge (Foreign Currency) Fund₺15,283185

USYUnlu Securities Value Investments Hedge Fund₺0,146749-0,3429%4,7481%

Hedge Funds

Fund CodeÜnlü Asset Management Fund NameFund PriceDailyYear Since
UZYUnlu Securities Second Statistical Arbitrage Hedge Fund₺3,4239120,1951%5,5751%
ULHÜnlü Asset Management Tenth Hedge Fund₺4,084582-0,4133%7,0262%
UYHÜnlü Asset Management Ninth Hedge (Tl) Fund₺2,7710880,134%9,3799%